Question 9: What’s a good RPG to play for about 10 sessions?
(I’ve let things slide a bit over the last few days, time to catch up a little)
As I don’t tend to use scenarios at all–more inclined towards making-it-up-as-we-go or setting out a vague series of events with which the characters can interact–games typically go on (and on) until we reach what seems a suitable point to pause.
In the supers game the player characters killed a persistent enemy and stopped a nuclear detonation. Perfectly respectable to take a break after that.
In the Stars Without Number campaign of rambling space adventure, they’ve stopped off at a remote planet to help an escaped recording artist lay down some tracks for her new album.
No idea how many sessions it took to get to those particular points.
I’ve never really thought about ‘timing’ for games unless they were really short “this’ll take a couple of sessions, tops” sorts of thing.