Tag Archives: gaming

RPGaDAY2024: Day Thirty-One

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Game or gamer you miss?

Rather than depress myself by dwelling on people I’ve lost or simply lost touch with, I shall instead only slightly depress myself by saying that the gamer I miss is this guy right here:

A photograph of the author in the mid to late 1980s. Wearing a dark suit jacket with some badges on it that I can't see clearly.
Gamer-me, late 1900s style…

That’s me in the 80s, that’s me in the kitchen (of a friend’s parents house), probably just about to play some game or other. Back then summers were no job, no school/college, playing D&D, Cthulhu or Runequest every day for what seemed like endless weeks at a time.

Of course now there’s more games than ever, and I have a smidgeon more money to pay for them, and then very little time to play them, and organising around work and family and other commitments. Yay.

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RPGaDAY2024 Day Eighteen

Memorable moment of play?

There have been a great number of them – that time my character had a heart attack trying to stop a bomb; once in a James Bond RPG where the two ’00’ agents were killed and we just started the game again from the day before like a save point; I’ve probably mentioned this previously but ‘Before?’ – and the D&D I’m currently running for the family gaming group is basically just a string of memorable moments as the party: (1) attempt to befriend everything that’s not actively trying to kill them, or (2) steal all the doors.

a wooden door with iron hinge work, in an arched doorway. Not a dungeon but the door to a church on the Clandeboye Estate in Northern Ireland.
That’s a pretty door…we’ll take it.

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Sixteen and Day Seventeen

I’m not running behind, you’re running behind…

A game that’s quick to learn?

I’d vote for Cairn again for this one, as everyone in the group seemed to take to it pretty swiftly during the first session. Second edition will be out soon and I’m not sure if that will complicate matters. The book’s certainly a lot longer now, but at lot of that is monster creation stuff and world building advice – so far as I can tell from the preview PDFs, the core rules are still short and to the point.

Also I should mention Hero Kids, which was the first game I ran for the family group several years ago.

Characters have a certain amount of dice in various skills. You want your character to do that thing, you roll that many dice, the opponent rolls their dice, highest roll wins. Doesn’t really get any more complicated than that. Simple rules, great friendly art style. Also there’s a Space expansion set for science fiction style adventures.

Character sheet for Hero Kids showing the stats for Warrior character.
A character sheet for one of the many classes in Hero Kids

As for the Day Seventeen question about ‘an engaging RPG community’?

In the olden days that would have been Dragonslayers at QUB in Belfast, but now it’s mostly dice.camp on Mastodon where I tend to just lurk about absorbing the ambiance.

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Fifteen

Great Character Gear?

I love the Chromebook stuff from Cyberpunk, and the massive lists of equipment you find D&D stuff, not to mention the heaps of 1920s-esque gear from Call of Cthulhu et al.

I really like the equipment system from Apocalypse World.

Everything is simple and to the point, described in clear rules-ish terms.

Weapons do a certain value of Harm, a bullet-proof vest provides a certain amount of Armour, a fast vehicle gets +1 Speed etc.

Then you can also use descriptive stuff like Ornate, Spiked, Antique and so forth. I’ve not run much Apocalypse World but I do like the general vibe.

a stylized image of a scoped Colt Python revolver
3-Harm / Reload / Loud / Far

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Eleven and Day Twelve

I wrote a bunch of these weeks ago and then spent so very long faffing around trying to choose images that I never bothered to get around to posting any of them. So the last few days of RPGaDay month will be playing catch-up. As is traditional for me at this point tbh.

The questions for days 11/12: and RPG with well supported one-shots/an RPG with well supported campaigns.

There’s a bunch of them, to be fair, but for both these questions I’m going to settle for D&D, mostly because I’ve been running a lot of D&D lately, and also because I signed up for a gaming magazine part-work thing called D&D Adventurer.

It’s both a guide to how to play D&D and series of scenarios; both one-off ‘guard the auction’ type events and longer linked series of stories that build to a more coherent story.

It’s a Hachette thing so it’s not exactly cheap, but you certainly get a lot of ‘free’ dice if you subscribe – with the option to spend more on binders and a very splendid (but possibly unusable at the table) full metal D100 in a wooden box.

Metal D100 in a wooden box.
D100 living in a box

I’d already run the group through the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign from the D&D starter, so they’re probably too high level already for some of the early scenarios in D&D Adventurer; but to be honest having an easy run through some not too challenging enemies fits both the fun playstyle of the group and also gives me a chance to get up to speed on the (up to now) current edition of a game I’d not run since the 80s.

Cover of issue 21 of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer part-work from Hachette
Builds up week by week into a massive money sink and enough dice to choke a giant salamander

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Ten

RPG I’d like to see on television?

This is an easy one – Broken Rooms.

“Discover the Nearside, a network of 13 doomed parallel worlds. As a Nearsider, one of the rare few who can travel this network of worlds, you can discover broken rooms, the nexus where worlds touch, allowing you to cross over. Will you bring solace to these dying worlds or will you treat the Nearside like your personal playground?”

Endless possibilities for stories in that kind of setting.

I may already have written a screenplay for a pilot episode…

an image 9f the cover of the Broken Rooms roleplaying game. A grim black and white space with broken glass, dampness, twisted wire and shadows.

Looks like fun, doesn’t it?

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Nine

From the alternate RPGaDAY options list – Present an idea for a random encounter.

The Treasure Hunters…

As the player characters are travelling through any marsh, woodland or wasteland area, they reach an old and much overgrown graveyard, glimpsing beyond this what seems to be a barrow mound from an ancient time. There are two figures in the graveyard. They are digging in a grave, and there is evidence that other graves have been dug up already…

This pair is Grob and Tuko.

Grob is clearly a soldier, tall, imposing, chainmail and well-worn clothes. A heavy sword, a short sword, and a helm, all within close reach. He is currently two foot down in a grave, still digging.

Tuko Damu is heavily built, and looks like a monk, hair lacquered into a top knot, wearing a robe and sandals, but he too has weapons close at hand and is leaning on a shovel, offering advice.

Grob and Tuko are adventurers and, having heard tell of a great treasure hidden by a wizard, they are here looking for it.

Someone may wish to suggest the barrow is a better location for a mighty wizard’s treasure.

Alternate RPGaDAY2024 list thing

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Eight

An accessory you appreciate?

A blue dice tray with a lid, from a company called Siquk.

I don’t use one, but my son likes to have all of his dice together, and somewhere handy to roll them so they don’t fly off the table. Also it’s covered in what purports to be blue dragon skin or something, so that’s cool.

A circular blue dice tray containing several sets of rpg dice, placed on a map of the Sword Coast from D&D 5E
Blue dice for a blue tray

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Seven

An RPG with good ‘form’.

I was going to go with The Wildsea, as it’s an odd shape and is also gorgeous – just fantastic art that really brings the setting to life – but I can’t find my copy of that to take a photograph so I’ll go with Cloud Empress instead. Neat little booklets of rules and stuff, and also very pretty artwork both outside and in. In the version I bought I also got patches. It’s an ‘ecological science fantasy’ RPG, so in some ways a very similar vibe to UVG, but more importantly extremely reminiscent of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Other examples of good form: Be Like A Crow, Mothership, and really all of the Free League stuff in that classic box/nice art/special dice/solid rules-set format (see Aliens, Twilight 2000, The One Ring).

a photograph of various items from the Cloud Empress rpg. Rules, player cards, sew on patches etc.
A Cloud Empress, earlier today

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RPGaDAY2024: Day Three

The question is: Most often played RPG?

In recent times it’s D&D 5e, again, because I’m running that at the moment. In previous years there’s been all sorts of things and I’m not sure I could pick one in particular. I’ve played a lot of a lot of different games. I’ve also played in a sprawling modern day science-fiction-esque horrorific campaign known as ‘Glasgow’, that was stretched over several decades and incorporated many different systems including iirc the Fuzion RPG and the incredible Broken Rooms game back when it was known as The Nearside Project.

Also there was a heap of Call of Cthulhu, Space Opera, and Runequest. Couple of years of HERO System and Stars Without Number as well. That’s a lot of gaming…

I forgot to even mention all of the superhero games I played/ran with systems like Golden Heroes, V&V, MSH, DC Heroes, et al, not to mention my own homebrew supers game.

Photograph of three variations of the Nearside Project RPG that became Broken Rooms. Left to right, the initial Nearside Project release from 1996, then a small press style bound copy from 'Nearside Games' - not sure when exactly - then the iirc 2012 hardcover edition of Broken Rooms
The Nearside Rooms, Broken Project, whatever…

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Filed under Call of Cthulhu, D&D5E, gaming, RPGaDay2024, Stars Without Number