RPGaDAY2024: Day Fourteen

Compelling Characters?

My main issue with RPGs… or maybe it’s not an ‘issue’ so much as a thing that I love about them, is that I find almost all characters compelling. Any random selection of numbers or traits you hand me and I start to wonder what they’re thinking, what their plans are, what happens next…

Obviously, it’s great to come up with detailed and specific characters, min-maxed to perfection, but literally anything also works for me.

For example, look at this random image I found on my hard drive:

Come get some…

This is, I believe, some sort of spinning fighting Mexican-wrestler style toy I got for the kids many Christmases ago.

But now that I’ve rolled some stats in Cairn, he’s now Gringle Getri, an apprentice butcher, tall for his age and lately banished from his trade in a local town, for reason as yet unexplored. And now he’s setting out into a world of adventure with only a big knife, a gaudy yellow tabard and a strange painted face mask to protect him.

What’s next for Gringle? Dunno. Might run a solo game though and find out.

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