I wrote a bunch of these weeks ago and then spent so very long faffing around trying to choose images that I never bothered to get around to posting any of them. So the last few days of RPGaDay month will be playing catch-up. As is traditional for me at this point tbh.
The questions for days 11/12: and RPG with well supported one-shots/an RPG with well supported campaigns.
There’s a bunch of them, to be fair, but for both these questions I’m going to settle for D&D, mostly because I’ve been running a lot of D&D lately, and also because I signed up for a gaming magazine part-work thing called D&D Adventurer.
It’s both a guide to how to play D&D and series of scenarios; both one-off ‘guard the auction’ type events and longer linked series of stories that build to a more coherent story.
It’s a Hachette thing so it’s not exactly cheap, but you certainly get a lot of ‘free’ dice if you subscribe – with the option to spend more on binders and a very splendid (but possibly unusable at the table) full metal D100 in a wooden box.

I’d already run the group through the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign from the D&D starter, so they’re probably too high level already for some of the early scenarios in D&D Adventurer; but to be honest having an easy run through some not too challenging enemies fits both the fun playstyle of the group and also gives me a chance to get up to speed on the (up to now) current edition of a game I’d not run since the 80s.