Category Archives: Mortal

In the meantime

Back with more waffle about what I’ve been up to lately, in a vague attempt to build up a blogging habit.


The proposed launch into OSR did not happen as planned, due to unforeseen circumstances for one of the players, and there was a short discussion about what the rest of the group should do instead. In the end, I decided to run a session/play-test of my fledging ‘game about vampires, and stuff’.

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Filed under Amazing Tales, gaming, Mortal, photography, RIME, Uncategorized, writing

What’s going on

The plan was to do a bit more blog stuff this year, keep things ticking over, stay up to date with gaming and writing projects as the weeks and months went on. So, that’s going well…


Anyway, the gaming group have just finished a short, scrappy, some might say cursed, sequence of Cyberpunk games. Like the 2020 game itself it was all Very 80s. Rogue cops, a dodgy Doc, a media-babe with a bunny-girl makeover.

There were drugs, high technology corporate sleaze, old (dead) friends, sentient computers and surprisingly little gunplay.

Due to a restricted time frame it ended like a one-season television show cut off in its prime. Our heroes, mid-heist, discover they’re hacking the wrong computer and then:

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Filed under Achtung Cthulhu, Cyberpunk 2020, gaming, Mortal, writing